Recommendations to have in mind when completing the trekking form

- The fields marked with (*) must be completed.

- A valid e-mail adress has to be entered to confirm the registration and to receive a copy of it.

- The information declared in the form is taken as real, being the holder responsible for any false data entry.

- The form can´t be completed with more than 48 hs. before the trip starts, due to the changing weather conditions.

- It is convenient to get information about the difficulty of the trails as well the weather conditions prior the trip starts.

- For Mountain information, the National Park recomends the Nahuel Huapi´s Information Office, the Club Andino Information Office or a Ranger Station.

- For your own security, always try to follow the itinerary and dates declared in the form.

- Click here to download Nahuel Huapi´s trail classification according the trails entrances (spanish, .pdf format).

I´ve read the recommendations